Schedule This Sports – Website & Marketing Design

SCHEDULE THIS SPORTS—WEBSITE & MARKETING DESIGN For Sched­ule This Sports, I designed a cohe­sive web­site, mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als, social media graph­ics, and adver­tis­ing to estab­lish a strong brand pres­ence and effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cate the platform’s...

Workplace Wellness MOOC – Graphic Design

WORKPLACE WELLNESS MOOC Cam­paign Results Report – Wed­ding Fever I designed a cohe­sive set of graph­ics for a Mas­sive Open Online Course (MOOC) on Work­place Well­ness, cre­at­ing a visu­al­ly engag­ing learn­ing expe­ri­ence. The graph­ics were devel­oped to...

Lands’ End – Brand Collateral & Storytelling

GOVENAIRES 2024 SHOW GRAPHICS Lands’ End – Brand Col­lat­er­al & Storytelling Work­ing with­in the Lands’ End Brand Group, I began my career in brand­ing strat­e­gy and sto­ry­telling, devel­op­ing mate­ri­als that rein­forced the company’s time­less,...

High Five Cards

HIGH FIVE CARDS I designed and art-direct­ed the High Five Cards, a series of visu­al­ly engag­ing cards cre­at­ed to cel­e­brate and appre­ci­ate employ­ee accom­plish­ments in the work­place. These cards were thought­ful­ly craft­ed to fos­ter a cul­ture of...