Gilda’s Club Annual Reports

Gilda’s Club Annual Reports

GILDA’S CLUB MADISON WI–ANNUAL REPORT DESIGN For five years, I volunteered my design expertise through my freelance business, Pixelzz Design LLC, to create the annual reports for Gilda’s Club Madison. This work holds a special place in my portfolio, as I...
Fair Indigo – Business Launch Design & Branding

Fair Indigo – Business Launch Design & Branding

FAIR INDIGO—BUSINESS LAUNCH DESIGN For the launch of Fair Indigo, a sustainable fashion brand, I designed a comprehensive range of materials to establish a cohesive and impactful brand presence. My work included retail signage, packaging, product labeling,...
Sonsi Wedding Fever 2.0

Sonsi Wedding Fever 2.0

SONSI WEDDING FEVER 2.0 Campaign Results Report – Wedding Fever I designed a comprehensive report for Max Communications Public Relations to showcase the results of their Wedding Fever campaign. The report presents key metrics, audience engagement, and campaign...

How to be Courageous and Creative

HOW TO BE COURAGEOUS & CREATIVE Illus­trat­ed Lead­er­ship Design and Work­shop Development This illus­trat­ed and hand-let­tered design, orig­i­nal­ly cre­at­ed for the Make Art That Sells Illus­tra­tion Boot­camp, pro­motes the qual­i­ties of a cre­ative leader:...

Independent Learning Infographic

UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN INDEPENDENT LEARNING Youth and Course Options Info­graph­ic Series  This series of info­graph­ics was designed to high­light the This series of info­graph­ics was designed to high­light the Uni­ver­si­ty of Wis­con­sin Inde­pen­dent...