Does Workplace Wellness Work? White paper

DOES WORKPLACE WELLNESS WORK? WHITEPAPER I designed a pro­fes­sion­al and visu­al­ly engag­ing whitepa­per focused on LinkedIn lead gen­er­a­tion strate­gies. The project involved cre­at­ing a clean, pol­ished lay­out that effec­tive­ly com­mu­ni­cat­ed key insights...

Lands’ End – Brand Collateral & Storytelling

GOVENAIRES 2024 SHOW GRAPHICS Lands’ End – Brand Col­lat­er­al & Storytelling Work­ing with­in the Lands’ End Brand Group, I began my career in brand­ing strat­e­gy and sto­ry­telling, devel­op­ing mate­ri­als that rein­forced the company’s time­less,...

Illustrated Infographic

ILLUSTRATED INFOGRAPHIC Illus­trat­ed Info­graph­ic – Water­col­or & Dig­i­tal Design This hand-illus­trat­ed info­graph­ic blends water­col­or tech­niques with dig­i­tal illus­tra­tion to cre­ate a visu­al­ly engag­ing and infor­ma­tive design. The com­bi­na­tion...

Annual Report

ANNUAL REPORT The UW-Exten­sion; Con­tin­u­ing Edu­ca­tion, Out­reach & E‑Learning’s 2013 Annu­al report was a mul­ti-pur­pose print and online inter­ac­tive pdf. Sto­ries came from all 13 UW Sys­tem cam­pus con­tin­u­ing edu­ca­tion offices, UW Col­leges and...